
(读小说吧 www.duxs8.net) (手机请访问 m.duxs8.com)Easter Lilies Grow in the Mountains(百合花开在山野间) 1. Easter Lilies(百合花) In the mountains enveloped in mist grows a kind of flowers called Easter lily. A party of classmates and I were wild with joy. We stopped for a rest in front of her, singing and dancing in the wind. In the past ten years I wonder if they have remained as beautiful and warm-hearted as before. 在那烟雾弥漫的大山中,生长着一种叫百合的花。我和我的一帮同学欣喜若狂,歇足在她的身旁迎风歌舞。 十年来不知她是否,热情依旧美丽如初。 2. Relativity(相对性) What costs a lot is not so good as what costs a little. The flowers planted in the ground look more beautiful than those grown in flower pots. 花钱多的不如花钱少的。地上种的比盆栽的好些。 3.Flowers and Rubbish(鲜花与垃圾) Flowers should have them grow and open in the mountains or in the gardens. The picked flowers wither and turn into rubbish. Rubbish usually has to be swept out of the door. 是鲜花就让开在山间庭院里。是垃圾总是要被扫地出门的。 4.Seeds(种子) A seed is very small, but you have no reason to look down upon it. If put in a proper position,it can grow into a big tree. 种子虽小,但不可轻视。放在适当的位置上,即可长成参天大树。 5.Respect(尊重) Ability is what enables you to get what you dream of by working hard. Bad habits are what disable you. Once you allow them overgrow and won’t have them gotten rid of thoroughly, you’ll be hopeless. With bitter struggle for existence lying ahead of us from day to day, anyone who drifts along aimlessly won’t get anywhere. To respect knowledge is to respect life and love of life. Hard work leads to good results. The harder you work, the more you’ll get. 能力是那种通过努力使你获得你渴望得到的东西的东西,而陋习是那种使你失去战斗力的东西。陋习疯长,人就没戏。 面对着日益激烈的生存竞争,混是没有出路的。尊重知识即是尊重生命和对生命的爱。有付出就会有回报。付出的越多,回报的越多。

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