
(读小说吧 www.duxs8.net) (手机请访问 m.duxs8.com)11.Enjoyment(享乐) Having wine to drink today, drink it till it is dark all round. Having tears to shed tomorrow, let them shed to the end of the world. 今朝有酒今朝醉,醉他个天昏地暗。明朝有泪明朝流,流他个天之尽头。 12. A Happy Time (欢乐时光) Hey, hey, hey.How are you ? It’s a sunny day.Let’s go to play by the side of the river, which dotsailing boats. And in the meadow flowers are in bright bloom. In the blue sky, we see clouds floating, and swallows flying. We are running after each other.The sky is full of laughter and we become the envy of the fairy. 嘿,嘿,嘿,又是一个艳阳天,我们去河边,帆影点点。绿草地上,花正艳。我们头顶着蓝天,又见白云飘,又见燕儿飞。你追我赶,笑语漫天,神仙也艳羡。 13. Together(在一起) What I’ve got, I’ll lose. What I’ve lost, I’ll own no more. I’ll have nothing left this life. What on earth can I have left the other life? Money? Beauty? House? Fame? My soul is rising, together with clouds in the sky. My body is sinking, together with the earth. 我拥有的我将失去,我失去的我不再拥有。今生我将一无所有,来生我能拥有什么?金钱?美貌?豪宅?荣誉? 我的灵魂在飞升,和云霞在一起。我的身体在下沉,和大地在一起。 ——摘自《追问岁月》March,1999 14. Books And I(书与我) Without books I become a baby with lack of food and water. I can’t grow up. Without books my soul is so thin that it almost becomes a tree trunk without branches or leaves. It’s terribly ugly to look at. All sorts of worry take roots, grow, spread and bury my body. 没有书我就成了断奶的婴儿长不大。没有书我的灵魂瘦成了没有枝叶的树干真难看!烦恼会因此生根成长蔓延,将我躯体埋葬。 15. Thinking(思考) Thinking is the sign of being fully developed, the necessary path to success, and the wealth of all your life. Learn without thinking, and you’ll feel lost.Think without learning, and you’ll feel dried up. Any invention and creation are the products of thinking. If a person is unwilling to use his head, a lot of wisdom is missing. May you make full use of your head and have a beautiful life brought about. 思考是成熟的标志,是成功的必由之路,是一个人一生的财富。学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。任何发明和创造皆是思考的产物。 空有大脑不思考,多少智慧不见了。愿君善待你大脑,将美的生活创造。

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