
(读小说吧 www.duxs8.net) (手机请访问 m.duxs8.com)16. Each Time in Life(生命中的每一次) Each effort ends up with failure. Each failure makes me feel terribly sad. Sad as I am, I can’t fall back. Climb up and go forward. Each march makes me go a step closer to success. 每一次的努力都以失败而告终。每一次的失败都使我悲伤。虽然悲伤,但我不能退却。爬起再前行。每一次的前行都使我距离成功更近一步。 17. Mathilde(玛蒂尔德) Being vain may make a person old easily and a cheerful state of mind will go away. When one knows how to conduct oneself in society, beauty will shine in him brightly. 虚荣人易老,心情好不了。做人讲实在,处处见光彩。 18. The Sea(大海) Ships sail on the sea while fish swim in the water. We are sailing seven seas, making the stage across the world colorful and interesting. 船在海上行,鱼在水中游。我们航行七大洋,丰富世界大舞台。 19. Enjoy the Stars(享受星光) That a lazy and sleepy life is so dull has already become a fact. The road leading to knowledge and truth is full of pains and difficulties; however, endless joy goes without saying. Stand straight without bending the knee to pains and difficulties and you will still be a true person. Throw out your chest and look forward. Seek for life’s stand and hold up your own sky, sharing the stars and enjoying together the sunshine and the moonlight. 慵懒的生活已然乏味,求索的脚步满艰辛,其乐融融。站直着,别趴下,仍然是条好汉。挺起胸膛,望前方。寻找生命的支点,撑起自己的天空。星光同享,日月共荣。 20. Sword Pointed Towards the Blue Sky(剑指青天) Struggling against difficulties and hardships you will probably be defeated unless you can overcome them. Hold your dreams and hopes tight. Don’t leave them in the cold wind floating like falling leaves. He who has a will will succeed in everything. He who has no will has to look at brown leaves come whirling down. Hold up your sharp sword of iron will and have all difficulties and hardships lying ahead of you broken up on it. 人生在与困难的搏斗中,不是将困难打倒,就会被困难打趴下。紧紧拥抱梦想和希望,别让你的梦想和希望,在寒风中像落叶飘散。有志者事竟成,无志者看黄叶飘零。擎起你的钢铁利剑,将一切艰难困苦击得粉碎。

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