
(读小说吧 www.duxs8.net) (手机请访问 m.duxs8.com)26. The Fer ry of Life(生命渡船) Standing at the window of years, look into that faraway fer ryboat of life, travelling through the tunnel of time.Blessings on your unshakable faith and perseverance. 站在岁月的窗口,遥望生命的渡船,在时光隧道里穿行,为坚定与执着祝福。 27. Dramatic life(戏剧人生) Changing are years, but human nature has never been changed for thousands of years. The good, evil, beautiful and ugly of human nature have been deducing the various combinations. Love doesn’t live in my heart. The devil tempts me to be envious, to scheme against others, to seek personal gains, to struggle for power and to disturb the world so that even fowls and dogs are not left in peace. The world’s true feelings call on me to run after and wipe out the devil. 变化的是岁月,不变的是人性。人性的善恶美丑,演绎着生命的多元组合。 爱不居住在我的心中。魔鬼诱使着我去嫉妒算计、争权夺利,扰乱世间鸡犬不宁。 真情召唤着我去将魔鬼追杀。 28. Wealth(财富) All that can be used in the world will be your wealth, such as sunshine、air、 water、life、 love、 friendship、 laughter and music. Have more wealth than money and you’ll be the happiest person in the world in the real sense of the term. 世上一切可用之物都将成为你的财富,如阳光、空气、水、生命、爱、友谊、笑声和音乐。拥有比金钱更多的财富,成为世间真正意义上最快乐的人。 29. The Circle(圆) Taking money as the centre of the circle and desire as a radius, draw a circle. Man, who moves on and on on the circumference, can compare favourably with the Lady in the Moon, not knowing the coming of old age. 以金钱为圆心,欲望为半径,画圆。人在圆圈上转动个不停,堪与月宫嫦娥相媲美,焉知老之将至也。 30. Without equal(无与伦比) She is pure beyond compare. What else do you want to have compared to her? Cleanness (noble-mindedness) or dirtiness (narrow-mindness)? 无与伦比,还比什么? 比干净还是比龌龊?

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